The business of the church is mission and outreach. Jesus tells us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. At St. Paul’s loving our neighbours means reaching out in various ways.
We support the Stirling Community Cupboard with ongoing donations of food stuffs, and with a special financial offering at Christmas time. You can bring in your donations at any time – several of our members volunteer at the Community Cupboard and deliver items gathered for us.
Soup Sunday is the first Sunday of the month – September to June; where our master soup makers take turns making soup during the service and jar it up for delivery by volunteers to those who may need an easy and hot meal. Donations of protein, stock, rice, pasta, and veggies are always welcome.
Sleeping Children Around the World is a non-profit organization that provides bedkits, and school accessories to children in need. Our Junior Church members fundraise for this project by decorating cupcakes and selling them to church goers in mid February. In February of 2022, over $800 was raised to support this worth-while mission project.
Both the AOTS and UCW groups raise funds to support local children in attending Camp Quin-mo-lac. Please ask Rev. Cheryl for more information.
Each year, we encourage our members to give to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada. This fund supports ministries and mission projects across Canada and around the world. Check out the Gifts With Vision catalogue at www.giftswithvision.ca; and subscribe to the Mission and Service e-newsletter at www.united-church.ca/e-newsletters.