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St. Paul's offers our gratitude for your offerings of time, talent, and treasure.   We are able to do our work because of the faithful contributions of members and friends. We're not on the government payroll (some people think we are!).  We are diligent in being financially accountable. All expenses are authorized by our Council, and cheques require two signatures. In order to maintain our charity status, every year we submit to the Canada Revenue Agency a report on how much money came in, and how we used it.


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 You can be part of our ministry through your offering right here. Canada Helps is a reputable business which handles millions of dollars of transactions between people every day. They offer a special service to charities, so that they take

only a small portion for their fee.

We invite you to consider a Planned Gift to St. Paul’s United Church as part of your estate planning.  Planned gifts are a testament of our faith and belief in generosity and taking care of others, and are a way to make a difference after we are gone (and while we are here!).

Your Planned Gift can fund this community of faith’s ongoing ministries; facilitate the creation of new ministry programs and opportunities, and help sustain this community of faith through times of transition.

Types of Planned Gifts include:

BEQUESTS – set up in your will as a percentage of your estate or a specific amount.

CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES – for those ages 60+.  A charitable gift annuity is set up now and you immediately receive a tax receipt for a portion of your annuity.  The Church uses these funds to give you a guaranteed income for life and at death the remainder goes to your chosen Church beneficiary.

LIFE INSURANCE – can be set up in two ways.  You can make the St. Paul’s  the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy OR you can make the Church the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy.

RRSP’s / RRIF’s / TFSA’s – Registered investment vehicles.  Owners of Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Registered Retirement Income Funds, and Tax-Free Savings Accounts can name St. Paul’s as a beneficiary and a tax receipt will be issued to your estate.

MEMORIAL GIFTS – as part of your Estate planning, ask people to donate to St. Paul’s United Church for the programs, causes, and congregations you loved.

ENDOWMENT FUNDS – an Endowment Fund is the gift that keeps on giving!  Establish the Fund with any amount, and the principal will be held forever and invested.  Part of the income will be granted to the ministry and programs you value.  A tax receipt will be issued for any contributions (from anyone) to the Fund.  You don’t have to die to do this through The United Church of Canada Foundation.

LONG-TERM FUNDS – similar to a Trust, LTF’s give until depleted.  Establish the Fund with any amount which will be held and invested.  Both the income and a portion of the principal will be granted to the ministry you value.  All gifts to the Fund are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.  You don’t have to die to do this through The United Church of Canada Foundation.

GIFT OF SECURITIES – a great way to give from your accumulated assets.  Stocks and mutual funds can be transferred to the Foundation and distributed to your community of faith.  These gifts can be given now or through a gift in your Will.  No tax is incurred on the capital gain.  A charitable tax receipt is issued for the value on the day the Foundation receives them.  You don’t have to die to do this either!

For more information on these ways to give, please contact the office and ask to speak with the Minister or Chair of Finance. Thank you for remembering and supporting St. Paul’s United Church.

Nurture Faith. Live Respectfully. Give Generously.

We would love to see you at Worship at 10:30am on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary, and we invite you for refreshments after the service in the lower hall.


We are a group of people who love God and the people around us. We gather for worship on Sundays, and then go out to live, love and serve in the world, wherever God has placed us. No one here is perfect, although we strive to do our best as followers of Jesus. 


Office Administrator:  Donna Carleton 

Office Phone: 613-395-3379 

Office Hours:
Tuesday & Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Minister: Rev. Cheryl McMurray

Minister's direct phone: 613-395-5513​ 


PO Box 610,                                 104 Church Street

Stirling, ON

K0K 3E0


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